71percent is a business insights and media platform leveraging interdisciplinary ocean technology



emerging markets & coverage of viable investment areas

Wide range of emerging sub verticals within the ocean sector/blue economy. What areas are primed for investment?

economic development geared towards ocean conservation

ocean-expert interviews

Scientists, investors, policy makers, and coastal/marine industry workers all provide valuable inputs as stakeholders in ocean-climate solutions.

Prioritizing the utilization of the ocean to fight climate change while maintaining and bolstering global ocean health + supporting coastal communities.

new technology spotlights

The “ocean sector” or “blue economy sector” spans across transportation, food production, functional products, software and analytics, fertilizers/biostimulants, sensors and monitoring, waste management, and more. Emerging technology sub-verticals in the ocean sector will be highlighted.


With 10 years of experience in strategy, technology and social impact, Karine brings a business lens to climate finance and ocean solutions.

about us


A marine biologist passionate about leveraging tech to address the climate crisis, Caroline brings experience working in R&D and VC at the ocean-climate nexus.


more content & media offerings to come